Weapons of the Great War: Automatic Weapons of the Russian Army
Tekst w j. angielskim
This book describes the machine guns, automatic rifles, handguns and revolvers, including both the official weapons in service in the Russian Army in 1914-1917 and other weapons not officially approved but nevertheless used by the troops such as obsolete Russian and non-Russian arms both supplied by the allies or captured from the enemies. A special highlight of this book is the section describing experimental automatic weapons, without which the reader would hardly get the big picture of the state of the Russian defence engineering developments in the early 20th century. For each weapon described in the book, there is a brief history of how it was designed and started to be used as an approved army weapon and a description of the key modifications made to it throughout the period of its manufacturing. This book contains a detailed and meticulous in-service description of the field use, strengths and weaknesses of the weapon seen through the eyes of the soldiers. It is the first book written by a Russian weapons history researcher providing a detailed description of machine gun system parts such as mounts, carriers and pack equipment. This book also contains unique information on flare guns and special accessories.
- Pages: 184
- Number of colour pages: 184
- Format: A4 HB
- Release date: 2021-06-14
- ISBN: 9788365281289
- Catalouge number: Weapons