Cruisers of the Third Reich: Volume 1
Witold Koszela169,00 zł
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The first of two volumes which tell the stories of and illustrate all the German cruisers that were in Kriegsmarine service during WWII. The author describes the history of the ships in the order in which they entered service, devoting much precise attention to their construction and their differences in construction from other ships (Emden, Konigsberg, Karlsruhe, Koln, Leipzig) The author also reviews the history of the Kriegsmarine service, the many curiosities in its policy and people who had a direct influence on the fate of these ships. All the ships are described and illustrated with full technical specifications. The book is profusely illustrated with the author's own scale drawings.
Cruisers of the Third Reich: Volume 1
- Author: Witold Koszela
- Illustrator: Witold Koszela
- Pages: 144
- Number of colour pages: 5
- Format: A4 HB
- Release date: 2021-03-10
- ISBN: 978-8365958846