Challenger 1. Britain’s Orphan Tank
Richard Kent149,00 zł
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The FV4030/4 Challenger 1 is a British main battle tank (MBT) used by the British Army from 1983 to 2001.
This book provides the reader with the full and unvarnished story of the origins, development, decades of service, and combat history of the Challenger 1 Tank. The text is interspersed with numerous photographs, many published for the first time, alongside color profiles and scale plans, including those of rare and unusual variants. It also relates the experiences of the crews who lived and worked on the Challenger 1, often in the irreverent style typical of Army humor.
Challenger 1. Britain’s Orphan Tank
- Author: Richard Kent
- Illustrator: Sławomir Zajączkowski
- Pages: TBA
- Number of colour pages: 200
- Release date: 2024-02-22
- ISBN: 9788366549937
- Catalouge number: 4129