Warpaint: Volume 4
Dick Taylor114,00 zł
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This book, Volume 4 in a series of four, completes the story of British Army vehicle colors and markings. This volume covers:
Chapter 1 Ground and Air Recognition Systems
Chapter 2 Vehicles Names
Chapter 3 Miscellaneous Marking Systems
The book is profusely illustrated with photos, color profiles, and detail drawings. It describes in detail the official paint schemes, the variations often seen in practice, and the individual and unit markings applied to tanks, armored cars, trucks and smaller vehicles, and towed guns. The series will prove invaluable for military enthusiasts and modelers, making sense of a very confusing topic!
Warpaint: Volume 4
- Autor: Dick Taylor
- Ilustrator: Claudio Fernandez
- Liczba stron: 160
- Liczba stron kolorowych: 160
- Format: A4
- Data wydania: 2021-05-11
- ISBN: 978-83-61421-24-5
- Numer katalogowy: 4112